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Python for Everyone

Learn, Practice, Build and get Certified in one of the world’s most hot and popular programming languages

Course Instructor Saurabh Bhardwaj


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Course Overview

Schedule of Classes

Course Curriculum

1 Subject

Python for Everyone

10 Exercises 64 Learning Materials

Introduction To Python Programming Fundamentals

Introduction to Programming

External Link

Introduction to Python

External Link

Installation of python in Windows

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Installation of python in Mac

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Installation of python in Linux

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Introduction to IDE

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Installation of Vs code in windows

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Installation of Vs code in linux

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Installation of Vs code in Mac

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Installation of Jupyter

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Uses of pip command

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Print statement and Identifiers

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Variables and Data types

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Operators in Python

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User inputs and Outputs

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Comments and Indentations

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Deep dive with tuples part 1

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Deep dive with tuples part 2

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Deep dive with list part 1

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Deep dive with list part 2

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Deep dive with string part 1

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Deep dive with string part 2

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Deep dive with dictionary

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Deep dive with sets

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Decision making part 1

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Decision making part 2

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For loop part 1

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For loop part 2

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While loop

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Project: Simple Note-taking Application


Project 2


Intermediate Python-Function Common Libraries File Handling

Functions in Python part 1

External Link

Functions in Python part 2

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Work with Modules/Libraries in python part 1 (time,os, subprocess)

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Work with Modules/Libraries in python part 2 (emoji)

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File Handling in python

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Error and exceptions handling part 1

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Error and exceptions handling part 2

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Network reachability using socket programming

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Remotly access any of PCs python project part 1

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Remotly access any of PCs python project part 2

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Remotly access any of PCs python project part 3

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Basics of Data Storage

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XLWT Library in Python

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XLRD Library in Python

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Examples of XLWT and XLRD Libraries in Python

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Intermediate Assignment




Project: Simple To-Do List Manager


Advanced Python -GUI using Tkinter

Making GUI in Python with Tkinter Library Part 1

External Link

Making GUI in Python with Tkinter Library Part 2

External Link

Radio Buttons in Python GUI

External Link

Check Boxes in Python GUI

External Link

Frames in Python GUI Part 1

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Frames in Python GUI Part 2

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Scroll in Python GUI

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Menu in Python GUI

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Cascading in Menu of Python GUI Part 1

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Cascading in Menu of Python GUI Part 2

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SMTP Library in Python Part 1

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SMTP Library in Python Part 2

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Random Library in Python

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Webbrowser Library in Python

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Encryption with Python

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Restaurant Management System

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corona Tracker with Python

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Chat App with Python

External Link

Toll Management System with Python Part 1

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Toll Management System with Python Part 2

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Project: Simple Email Sender


Course Instructor

tutor image

Saurabh Bhardwaj